Seven-Twenty Degrees
A brand design for a skateboard company using a six-sided cube project, where each side aligned with the entire cube. Using the cube sides and typography, I would create decks for skateboards.
Sketching & Process
I was tasked with making a square composition that incorporates lines, planes, points, and shapes. Using these resources to make a design functional composition that feels connected. 
Final Square Composition
Interconnected Cube
I was then tasked with making 5 more compositions that correlate with each other and make a cube composition. Since a cube is much more complex than a single composition, I moved the center of my composition to make it more dynamic.
Final Cube Design
Adding Color
Then tasked to add color to the composition
Final Cube Designs
3D Renders
Seven-Twenty Degrees
Using the connected compositions I had created, I thought of how they would look as a skateboard deck, and how of creating a brand that makes connected compositions as skateboard decks. 
Color Explorations
Final Designs

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